What Inspires Me
This picture inspires me. It shows that life is always changing, and the blur makes the outcome unclear. Though change can seem like a pattern, such as the seasons, each new season brings new challenges, and a different outlook than a previous one. No matter what something may seem to be at first everything is subject to change and will bring new challenges, goals, and performances. That is what inspires me.
I really like your description on how this inspired you. It shows how you are inspired by the picture and you second last sentence was very good. Maybe just state at the end how you got the picture?
ReplyDeleteThis was a very interesting post to read. I think that it is so cool how you interpreted this painting. I think that this shows how people interpret things differently, it's likely that many people have seen this picture before, but it's unlikely that all of them were inspired by it the way that you are.
ReplyDeleteI also like how creative and unique this was. Many people chose to find a picture of a quote, though quotes can be equally inspiring, I think that this shows that you don't need to have a quote on a picture for it to have an inspirational impact.
I wish that you had expanded a little bit more on your thoughts on this painting, I think that they would have been interesting to hear.
I was also wondering where you found the painting and if you immediately saw it in this light or if you had to think for a while about it and it's meaning. Thank you for sharing!